When you happen upon the finance community online it can be confusing to know what you do and do not need to gain from it.
I offer a self paced course for those who need guidance on setting themselves up for financial independence, but how do you know if you are someone who needs this course or any course for that matter?
This is why I have developed "The Debt Free Nurses Financial Health Check". In this 18 page downloadable PDF I ask you various questions so that you can evaluate if you are someone who would benefit from coaching.
A lot of time we know our budget and we may even know off hand debts and assets but there is so much more that goes into overall financial wellness and as you go to the doctor for annual, checkups this workbook is an opportunity for to get a true read up on your financial health. Once you have a clear picture you will be better suited to determine if you would would benefit from coaching or courses.
You may even fill out your financial health check and realize you are on the right path to get you to where you hope to be financially.
If you do fill out the financial health check and determine that you may be in need of coaching I am offering 15% off my self paced course.