How I Finally Took Control of My Finances

In today's world, managing finances can be a daunting task. However, with the right approach and mindset, it becomes more of a rewarding journey than a stressful chore. I found myself taking control of my finances by adopting and implementing some simple yet effective habits. Let's dive in!

1. Stopped Avoiding

One of the crucial steps towards financial management is facing your fear. Many people tend to avoid checking their bank account or credit card statements due to the anxiety it causes. But what if knowing exactly where you stand could decrease the anxiety? Fear of the unknown is usually the cause of this avoidance, but when you know the reality, you can formulate a plan. Understanding the true state of your finances is the first step towards managing them effectively.

2. Paid Myself First

This isn't about being selfish, but rather about prioritizing saving. When we save first, we show ourselves that we are the most important investment! Learning how to honor commitments to yourself also builds self-trust. So, before you pay your bills or spend on discretionary items, set aside a portion of your income for savings. By doing so, you're not just securing your future but also cultivating a sense of financial discipline.

3. Created Awareness

Knowing where your money is going is as important as knowing how much money you are making. I recommend listing out your accounts, including your debts, income, and expenses. This helps you know your financial status and gives you a realistic starting point to create a budget. Once you're aware of your financial standing, you can allocate your resources more effectively and make informed decisions.

4. Gave Up Perfectionism

Financial management is not about being perfect, it's about being consistent. It's better to have a good plan that you can stick to than a perfect plan that's impossible to follow. Habits are more important than the speed or perfection. So focus on creating good financial habits and watch your life change. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!

5. Dropped the Scarcity Mindset

Many people view money as a limited resource and live with a scarcity mindset. This often leads to stress and poor financial decisions. Instead, try looking at money as an abundant resource and start getting creative with how you can work smarter, not harder. This mindset shift can open up opportunities for higher-paying jobs or ways to earn more income.


Managing your finances doesn't have to be a stressful task. By adopting these habits, you can take control of your financial situation and make it work for you. Remember, the goal isn't to be perfect, but to be better than you were yesterday. Here's to your financial freedom!

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Allison Grotteland