Things I Wish I Knew Before Paying off 46K of Debt in 18 Months
Having Your Main Goal in Mind is Crucial
When embarking on a journey to financial freedom, it's vital to have your main goal in mind. This serves as your beacon, guiding you through the tumultuous seas of setbacks and challenges. Your goal could be anything from retiring early, buying your dream home, or simply living a life free of financial worry. Always keep this goal at the forefront of your mind, as it will fuel your motivation and commitment to continue pressing on, even when the going gets tough.
Your Journey Might Be Lonely, But That's Okay
It's important to understand that your journey to becoming debt-free might be a lonely one, and not everyone will understand your choices. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. You see, being on this path requires courage, determination, and a lot of sacrifices that not everyone is willing to make. You might find yourself skipping social events to save money or opting for a homemade meal instead of dining out. While these choices might seem alienating at first, remember that they are temporary and are leading you towards a more financially secure future.
Not Everything Can Be a Priority
A crucial lesson to learn during your debt-free journey is that not everything can be a priority. You'll have to pick your hard. What does this mean? Essentially, it's about understanding what's important to you and what's not. For instance, you might decide that paying off your debt is more important than going on a vacation. This might seem like a hard choice, but it's one that will bring you a step closer to your goal. Always remember, everything has its time, and right now, it's time to focus on your financial health.
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